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Повідомлення автор Admin Вт Бер 12, 2019 3:19 pm

S.A. Kravchenko, d.e.n., prof.
The Kiev Cooperative institute of business and the right, Ukraine, sv.kravchenko.777@gmail.com


The generalised kind of process of the risk-management, resulted in state standard, contains the basic stages of risk-management: situation definition; the estimation of risk including identification, the analysis and estimation; influence on risk. The scheme has the general character, and for a concrete definition of process of risk-management within the limits of system of quality management of the organisation it is necessary to accept a number of positions: 1) a basis of the analysis of the importance of risks in quality management system should be the purposes of the organisation in the field of quality; 2) risks arise not only on the general organizational level, but can be shown with reference to separate kinds and even procedures of activity of the organisation; 3) the general organizational risks do not exist independently, but are defined and integrated from the separate risks concerning all set of activity of the organisation; 4) private risks on the basis of their estimation can outgrow in
the general organizational owing to the revealed importance; 5) for occurrence and account localisation is brave to lean expediently on the process approach ordered by a principle of quality management, according to which any activity is easier for operating if to spread out it to separate processes on the basis of the system approach.
The following will be the main elements of management of risks in quality management system: the purposes in the field of quality; the analysis of processes in quality management system; identification of risks and allocation of significant risks of the purposes and risks of factors on processes; the analysis and an estimation of risks; drawing up of the register of risks; the decision on influence on risks; realisation, monitoring and feedback.
The purposes in the field of quality are subject to obligatory periodic revision (not less often than 1 time a year, according to standard requirements). This revision is dated for carrying out of planned inspection audits of system of quality management by body on certification on the eve of which it is required to spend planned internal audits and correcting actions for quality management system. Therefore monitoring of a current condition of system of quality management is expedient for carrying out in parallel with carrying out of internal audits. At occurrence of unforeseen risks monitoring of a current condition of system of quality management should be spent over and above the plan, and further to realise other part of process of management of risks.
The analysis of the register of processes of system of quality management consists that the full list of processes in quality management system is made, the purposes of processes on which risks from the subsequent analysis of processes will come to light come to light. All identified risks should be documented: the list of risks is made, their ordering and the description is spent. Identification of risks in system of quality management of the organisation is spent on the basis of their classification.
In the modern economic literature there is no standard classification, a considerable quantity of classification signs and kinds of risks is revealed, and there are terminological different interpretations because the same kind of risks at different researchers can be designated by various terms [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. In the scientific literature the interrelation of various approaches is not defined and uniform classification is not clear. There is a set of classifications of risks for the organisation, including technical, financial, economic, social and other signs as, for example, division into pure and speculative risks and so forth, and also classifications by factors of their occurrence are resulted. Concerning the last, the most general opinion consists that the basic sign of classification consists in division of risks on external and internal that is, certainly, correct, but, from our point of view, not to the cores. Let's believe that risks as uncertainty of deviations from the organisation purposes already initially first of all are connected with actually purposes of the organisation, and in the second turn, these deviations arise for a number of reasons, influencing organisation activity.
Base sign of classification of numerous kinds of risks in the organisation is their division into two groups: the first - primary, basic, initial group of the risks (risks-purposes) connected with results of activity since the organisations exist for achievement of the purposes; and the second - secondary group of risks (risks-factors) - the reasons of the deviations specifying that influences purpose achievement. Primary and secondary it is difficult to find the answer in dialectic unity that initially, and that again, but for definiteness we will start with that that are primary - the purposes, as a classification sign. Such approach systematises sequence of definition of risks and gives the chance for the further analysis and the most rational management of risks in quality management system.
Identification of risks on the purposes. Detailed elaboration by a principle of classification of the first group, starting with organisation purposes in quality management system, can occur on the basis of a method of cascading of the main corporate purposes of the organisation on all levels of management to the lowermost level of achievement of the "indivisible" purposes and distribution of these purposes on the purposes of the processes allocated in system of quality management of the organisation. Without structurization of the purposes and their detailed elaboration on levels the directed development of any organisation is impossible. Construction of a tree of the purposes which is the standard tool целеполагания can be a methodological basis for cascading. The the purposes which, as it is known, should be clear and as much as possible numerically in measurement are more accurately made, the it is easier to analyze result, to compare to the best achievements and to continue perfection. Certainly, the purposes can be and descriptive character, for example, such, as «improvement of quality and competitiveness», or «commodity market expansion» and similar which result also can be fixed.
Processes also can be classified on levels and to allocate: mega processes, the main processes, subprocesses and the functions making subprocesses, that is the hierarchy of processes and subprocesses is made. The organisation purposes are carried out during processes, however unequivocal coincidence of the purposes of the organisation and the purposes on processes can and not to be, as some processes can carry out one purpose.
Revealing of all possible factors (risks-factors) influencing achievement of the purposes (set of the purposes on processes) will be the second stage of classification of risks of the organisation. Classification of all factors by various signs of influence on organisation activity can be put In a basis as as a whole, and on processes, in particular. It is most standard all factors influencing activity of the organisation, to divide on internal and external. Concerning the last in management (in its strategic component) it is accepted to allocate: 1. The external factors of global macroenvironment including political, social, scientific and technical, economic components to which analysis such methods as the PEST-analysis or its updatings are applied. 2. The external factors of a rynochno-branch microhabitat including the analysis of competitive forces of the branch market of the organisation, including the general branch analysis of dynamics and sectors, and also the analysis of type of a competition, competitors, suppliers, consumers, the goods - substitutes and other characteristics of a market microhabitat [6].
The internal factors influencing achievement of objects in view of the organisation, are defined by characteristics of internal potential of the organisation which basic elements include: leadership, corporate culture, structure of methods of a management and the control systems accepted in the organisation; a set and the maintenance the politician and strategy the general corporate and in directions; structure of personnel potential of the organisation; the maintenance of resource potential regarding an infrastructure, information, the finance; structure of allocated processes and their management on productivity and efficiency indicators [4, 5].
In risk-management at formation of structure of risks and their management the independent purpose on revealing and prevention of the maximum quantity of possible risks of the organisation as management of risks is only the auxiliary tool for achievement of the purposes, performance of strategy of the organisation and its mission is not put. In the organisation criteria of risk should be established or accepted on the basis of corresponding standards (or standard requirements). Inherently risks of activity of the organisation have a likelihood basis and define various consequences for the organisation. That is these two characteristics (the probability and consequences) should be included in criterion of selection of risks for their management and constant monitoring.
In the course of research it is proved that classification and identification of possible risks in system of quality management of the organisation is important for building, leaning against two basic signs: a primary sign of classification - on risks-purposes and a secondary sign of classification - on risks-factors. For creation of set of risks-purposes it is necessary to form a tree of the purposes of the organisation and hierarchy of its processes with the subsequent formation of a matrix of the primary "indivisible" purposes on processes. For creation of set of risks-factors on each purpose it is necessary to be based on the cause and effect diagramme which is the basis for drawing up of a matrix of all possible risks - factors of this purpose. As a result on the purposes and factors it is possible to present all possible kinds of risks of system of quality management of the organisation in a matrix «the purposes on processes and factors for each purpose» [3, 4, 5, 6].
Thus, in the course of research it is established that for effective risk-management it is necessary to analyze only key risks. The algorithm of selection of risks according to the accepted criterion for formation of the most important risks-purposes and risks-factors of achievement of the purposes for the subsequent management of these risks Procedure of revealing of new risks is proved it is necessary to repeat periodically in connection with changes of the external and internal environment of the organisation. Model of perfection of productivity of system of quality management it is possible to construct risk-focused of the likelihood models consisting in necessity of research of probability of a deviation of the purposes in the field of quality and dependence of probability of a deviation of the purposes from probability of occurrence of risks-factors on the basis of development. System effectiveness of quality management from a position risk-focused of the approach will consist in growth of effect from a parity of decrease in the losses connected with risk, and expenses for actions for the prevention of occurrence of risks and losses.

The list of the used information sources:
1. Клейменова А.В. Классификация рисков в проектном финансировании / А.В. Клейменова // Экономика и современный менеджмент: теория и практика: сборник статей по материалам XXXVII междунар. науч. -практ. конф. - Новосибирск: СибАК, 2014. – № 5 (37). – С. 149-155.
2. Ланкина С.А. Классификация и проблемы оценки рисков промышленного предприятия / С.А. Ланкина, В.И. Флегонтов // Интернет-журнал «Науковедение». – 2015. – Т. 7. - № 3 [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/90EVN315.pdf
3. Collins A. The risks that just won't die [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/02/global-risks-report-2017/
4. Litner J. The Valuation of Risk Assets and the Selection of Risk Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital Budgets // The Review of Economics and Statictics. – 1965. – Vol. 47. – pp. 13-37.
5. Royal Society. Risk: Analysis, Perception and Management. - London: Royal Society, 1992. – P. 89-90.
6. Sharpe W.F. Capital Asset Price: A Theory of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions of Risk // Journal of Finance. – 1964. – Vol .29, №3. – P. 425-442.


Кількість повідомлень : 98
Дата реєстрації : 12.03.2019


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